Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Wishlist Wednesday #4

Wishlist Wednesday is a weekly blog hop hosted over on Pen to Paper in which we post about a book that we have on our wishlist - either one we've just discovered or one we've had our eyes on for a while!

This week I've chosen...

Skin Deep by Laura Jarratt - Goodreads Synopsis...

Ugly people don't have feelings. They're not like everyone else. They don't notice if you stare at them and turn away. And if they did notice, it wouldn't hurt them. They're not like real people. Or that's what I used to think. Before I learned...

After the car crash that leaves her best friend dead, Jenna is permanently scarred. She struggles to rebuild her life, but every stare in the street, every time she looks in the mirror, makes her want to retreat further from the world. Until she meets Ryan. Ryan's a traveller. When he and his mother moor their narrow boat on the outskirts of a village, she tells him this time it will be different. He doesn't believe her; he can't imagine why this place shouldn't be as unwelcoming as the rest. Until he meets Jenna. But as Jenna and Ryan grow closer, repercussions from the crash continue to reverberate through the community. And then a body is found...

I found a review of this book over on Books for Company and immediately fell in love with the idea of the story, I think it sounds fabulous and immediately wanted to read it! Unfortunately for me it isn't due for release until March 5th this year, looks like I'm going to have to wait for it... make it more special when I finally get my hands on it though! ;)

What would your Wishlist Wednesday be?

Abi.. x


  1. Hey! This book sounds really interesting, especially the part about "repercussions of the crash" and the body being found...Oooh :) New follower!

    You can find my wishlist pick at Books Are My Heroine.

    - Genny @ Books Are My Heroine

  2. Hey, I like this cover! Thanks for sharing!

    A new follower..I would love, if you follow me back at Books Are Magic.

    Vidya @ Books Are Magic
